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RE-COR  Various artists





1000 $AR + envío [comprar]

Format: CD

Price: 7 U$S + shipping [ order ]


Re-cor is a series of recordings related to human interactions. Relations between groups, groups, and individuals, interpersonal relationships, etc. are treated from multiple perspectives using, as a fundamental element, the social context where the sound originated. Real stories of real people and situations are manifested in these recordings of different sound artists around the world. A sound work that connects with daily experiences, beyond sound for sound's sake.

Re-cor is the root of the word "record", composed of the prefix re (indicating repetition, backward movement) and the Latin root cor (heart) meaning "moving back to the heart" or "contacting the heart again ".*


This album would not have been possible without the support of the following collaborators:

Barbara Held, Álvaro Daje, Esteban Mira, Sergio Boado, Maximiliano Delanian, Virginia Villafañe, Sandy Greenberg, Fernando de Ariznabarra, Claudio Curciotti, Angelo Romano, Nicole Ortiz, Evan Cohen, Flavien Gillié, Adrià Massanet and Pablo Mendes Cercas.


*from Seth Kim-Cohen's In the blink of an ear (2009)



Sound work

Claudio Curciotti, Jacob Kirkegaard, Daniel Goldaracena, Christopher DeLaurenti, Patrick Hartono, Eisuke Yanagisawa, Jay-Dea Lopez, Yin Yi, Martin Kay, Hanan Benammar, Budhaditya Chattopadhyay, VIB Group, and Hein Schoer.


Curated by

Juan Manuel Castrillo


Cover art

Idea: Juan Manuel Castrillo

Assist: Alvaro Daje

Design: Emil Naula

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